10 Top Tips to help prevent foot problems

Just follow our simple steps to help to keep your feet looking and feeling fantastic. 

  1. Wash your feet every day, use warm soapy water and take care to dry them well, especially between your toes – this will help to prevent fungal infections, such as Athlete’s foot. 

  2. When trimming your toenails cut them straight across and not too short as this can lead to ingrowing toenails. Using a good a nail file can be safer and easier than cutting 

  3. Apply moisturiser daily to dry skin avoiding in between toe. (can attract bacteria and fungal infections))

  4. Wear well-fitting socks and change them every day to avoid sweaty feet. If you suffer from swelling around the lower legs or ankles please make sure your sock of soft top socks and not causing any indentation to the skin. 

  5. Wear correctly fitting shoes, be honest to yourself, do they really fit or do you just love the look of them. 

  6. Rotate your shoes Try not to wear the same shoes two days in a row, to reduce your chances of developing a fungal infection. spraying your shoes with anti fungal or deodorants can help. 

  7. Save higher heels for special occasions only as regular use can damage your feet. 

  8. Check your feet regularly this will help you to spot any possible problems quickly, if you have difficulty bending use a mirror to help.

  9. Keep them moving, walking and exercise will encourage a good range of movement in the joints and improve circulation.

  10. If you have a problem with your feet always see a HCPC registered Podiatrist.

Claire Davis